Decorating your home with flowers is a great way to add some spring style to the space. But fresh flowers don’t last long after bringing them inside! Keep the spring spirit alive throughout the season with the help of this simple felt flower bouquet, which features three different flower designs. Keep reading for the full DIY felt flowers tutorial.
Supplies for DIY Felt Flowers:
One of the best parts about this simple project is that you only need a handful of supplies to make your own flowers at home.
To make felt flowers, you’ll need:
- Pink, green, and yellow felt
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Dowel rods
How to Make Them –> Felt Flowers Tutorial:
How to Make Felt Poppies
This fun felt flower bouquet features three different flower varieties: poppies, roses, and chrysanthemums. To make the felt poppies, start by cutting several oval shaped pieces from the pink felt. For each flower, you’ll need at least six oval petals. The more petals you use on your flower, the larger it will be.
After cutting the petals, use your scissors to cut a small slit in the bottom of each petal. Place a drop of glue on one corner of the slit and fold the other corner on top of the glue. Pinch the two pieces together until the glue dries. Repeat this process on each of your petals.
To make the flower, layer the petals in a circle, gluing each petal together in the center. Form the bottom layer with three petals, then glue another layer of three petals on top.
Finish your poppies by creating a yellow swirl in the center. Cut a thin piece of yellow felt and roll it up, gluing the felt as you roll to hold the spiral in place. Glue the yellow spiral to the center of your flower.
Cut two leaves from the green felt and glue them to the back of the flower, then glue on a dowel rod stem.
How to Make Felt Rosebuds
Making the mums and roses involve a similar technique in which you roll the felt in a spiral. To make the rose buds, cut a long piece of felt around two inches wide. The longer your felt strip is, the bigger your rose bud will be.
After cutting the strip, fold it in half lengthwise and run a line of glue along the inside to hold the fold together.
Create the rose bud by simply rolling the felt strip into spiral. When you reach the end, glue the end of the strip to the side of the bud.
Cut two leaves from green felt and glue them to the side of the bud, then place a dowel rod stem into the bottom of the rose.
How to Make Felt Mums
Once you have the rose bud technique down, you can also make felt mums. Start by cutting a thin strip of felt, just like you are making another rose. Fold the strip in half lengthwise, then use your scissors to cut slits along the fold, creating petals for your mums.
After cutting slits along the entire length of felt, roll the strip like you rolled your felt rosebud. Finish by gluing the end of the strip to the side of the flower. Place some glue on the end of your dowel rod and stick it inside the bottom of the mum to secure it in place.
Place your felt flowers in a vase to create a bouquet.
A few other ways to use felt flowers are by decorating a spring gift bag, creating floral letters, or by attaching to a floral and yarn wall hanging.
- Spring Gift Bag
- faux flower letters
- Floral & Yarn Wall Hanging
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