So I know there are a lot of other exciting baby bump watches happening (Kim Kardashian’s sweet curves and Kate Middleton’s slim belly to name a few..), but here’s an update on baby bump watch: Baby Sprout edition, and a how-to for making these pregnancy photo collages.
Last time I posted any of these photos, I shared the first trimester..
And, well, this babe has definitely been growing!
I can safely say that I’m past that “is she pregnant or did she have one too many sandwiches?” point in the pregnancy. I am feeling good and round! According to the books and the baby app on my phone, this little girl is the length of a spaghetti squash and is probably weighing in at about a pound (I have definitely put on more than a few of those since this journey started…!!).
I had an ultrasound this week and my sweet girl is looking good in there. Crossing her legs, waving her hands around, and sticking her little bum out. I’m at the 23 week mark now (I take my weekly photos at the end of each week – sometimes a few days late (sshhh) – so no official 23 week photo yet). But here’s one I quickly snapped yesterday.
And can’t forget about my baby daddy. Here is that handsome guy on week 19. What a ham.
Okay so now for a little bit of a tutorial if you’re not used to editing photos and want to do a similar photo project (it could be for your pregnancy, with kiddos of your own, or just about anything!).
I use PicMonkey– an online editing tool that has a free and upgraded “Royale” option (I do the Royale as it’s so reasonable and gives you so many more options). It is super easy to use. You open a photo saved on your computer, and then play around with the different options on the left sidebar. There are basic things like cropping, rotating, and adjusting the light, and then lots of specialty features too.
I usually brighten my photos a little, then go into the “overlays” option in the sidebar and apply a label. I like the circles, so I throw that one on and change its colour to white. Then I add the numbers by adding text in the didact gothic font.
Once I have those done, I’ll head over to the “effects” option. This basically has a bunch of different filters, kind of like what you find on instagram. I like using a mixture of the “tranquil” and the “dusk” filter for a vintage-y vibe. Then just save it to your computer, and you’re done! PicMonkey also has a collage tool if you have multiple photos.
And that’s it! Super easy, and makes a great keepsake. It’ll be really handy to have all the photos done and edited to whip up a pregnancy photo book when this gal makes her debut. [update: here is that pregnancy photobook all complete!]
Thanks for being interested in the bump, guys! It’s so fun to get insight and encouragement from you – I really appreciate it! Any of you do a photo project like this one? Got any bump watches happening yourself (friends, family)? It’s so neat to see how everyone’s body changes so differently during pregnancy – such an individual thing.